Control your problem strategy with Our Experts
Kolkata Pest Control is the most trusted and reliable company providing the best pest control solutions in Kolkata, West Bengal. Established in 2009, we are constantly pushing the envelope with innovations in the niche industry.Today, we take pride in identifying ourselves as the pioneers of the pest management industry. We operate in all West Bengal including Kolkata, Kharagpur, Durgapur, Asansol, Howrah. Siliguri.
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Kolkata Pest Control can inspire and Offer Different Services
Termites are tiny insects with a big impact – and not just their ability to damage huge structures. They also BUILD huge structures. Termite mounds are some of the most impressive, intriguing, and inspiring structures built by insects. Engineers and entomologists alike are fascinated by termites.
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Bed bugs have been around for thousands of years.They feed on blood, but are not known to spread any diseases to humans. Some people can be allergic to their bites. Getting rid of a bed bug infestation is not easy, but there are steps you can take to control the problem.
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No one wants to see a mouse or rat scurry across the floor, but unfortunately, it is an all too common site for business and home owners in the Kolkata West Bengal. Rodents are commensal animals who have a long history of living alongside humans. With the food, shelter, and safe havens we provide, why
See DetailsCockroach
The infamous cockroach is the bane of homeowners everywhere. These insidious critters seem nigh indestructible. But knowing where they are hiding in our homes and why can help us control roaches. While warmer climates often fight a harder battle with cockroaches, the Seattle area is not immune.
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We offer Pest Control management services to Residences, Societies, Corporate Offices, Commercial Shops, Godowns, Factories, Hotels, Malls etc. in Kolkata West Bengal.
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